The Heart of Man was Grace Asylum’s very first show. It was finished in 2007 but delays kept it from seeing the stage until 2009. The story follows a Police Officer as he responds to a burglary, at a business, on Christmas Eve. His name is Jake Taylor and he has been an Officer for a very long time. He has let the endless dealings with people on their very worst days tarnish his viewpoint of humanity. His hardened disposition is a result of watching the evil that mankind plays out on itself every day. He has given up that any good remains in the world. While checking the building on this call, he confronts the burglar coming out of the back of the business and is shot. While laying there drifting in and out of consciousness, he is visited by an Angel that takes him on a trip through time. The Angel shows him the amazing tasks that mankind has accomplished from cures for diseases, incredible inventions and the likes. He is also shown wars and destruction. He is also shown that on that very night, at the very moment he was shot, his wife and some friends are at a church praying for him, that he will find his way out of the darkness. He awakens the next morning, in the hospital, with his wife steadfastly by his side. The story is about how God uses us to reach one another for Him.